We all feel anxious sometimes and being careful and cautious has served us well as a species to survive. Anxiety only becomes a problem when the physical reaction to a stimulus is intense, out or proportion or constant.
What happens in the body when we’re anxious?
When we experience a potential threat or danger our body starts to react by activating the flight/fight or freeze response. Having these effects on the body:
Acceleration of heart rate and breaging
Paling or flushing
Indigestion slows down or Stopps
Constriction of blood vessels in many parts of the body
Dilation of puils
Loss of hearing
Tunnel vision
All these physical reactions are meant to prepare us to fight or flee. Even though our world today is a lot safer than 10.000 years ago we are still constantly on the lookout for danger. Thoughts can trigger this process with all these uncomfortable emotions. Many of my clients fear these physical changes so much that they have developed an anxiety aboutthe anxiety.
Hypnotherapy and mindfulness can re-train your brain to focus on positive things that create wellbeing and calmness.
The first step is not to fight against these emotions.
Have you ever tried to NOT think of the pink elephant with purple spots? Right, it doesn’t work. So trying to NOT be anxious will make you focus on your anxiety. I teach my clients to sit with their feelings, to notice where they are in their bodies and to learn to „breathe“ into them until they change and diminish over time.
Here are some other useful techniques and tips that will help you cope better:
Take some time-out. Practice yoga or listen to music, do something you love and enjoy. Stepping back a little helps clear the head.
Drink less alcohol and caffeine, these substances can worsen anxiety and even trigger panic attacks.
Get enough sleep. Rest is important for restoration.
Exercise every day to help you feel better and maintain your health.
Practice deep breathing - breathing in to the count of 3, hold the breath to the count of three and exhale to the count of three.
Count to 10 slowly. Repeat, if necessary.
Accept that you cannot control everything. This sounds easy but is probably quite hard, talk to a professional for some advice and help.
Laugh more!
Learn about the triggers for your anxiety. Look for a pattern.
Talk to someone - this can be your friends or family. Consider talking to your GP or therapist for professional help.
Hynposis is a powerful tool to re-learn behavioural patterns and to re-lease underlying emotional causes. If you would like to learn more please get in touch.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.