Short visualisation audio recording to incorparate self-compassion into everyday life.
Is this time of the year stressing you out?
What do you really want and are the expectations yours or someone else? Let go of what is causing you unnecessary stress.
Podcast with me (in German) regarding HAES (Health at Every Size)
Listen to me being interviewed in German about Health at Every Size by SBS German.
I was interviewed by SBS German about my work - listen here to the talk I had with Pamela Rauleder about anxiety
Listen to my interview about managing anxiety on SBS German here.
Open Mind Meditation
Open Mind Meditation is easy to practice and changes our relationship with us and what's around us.
The Essence of Wellbeing
Sometimes it is important to have a look at our (busy) everyday experience and see the bigger picture and make sure that we are doing the right things to ensure that we live a meaningful, fulfilled and well balanced life.
I would like to share with you today a useful wellbeing checklist. Take a few moments and decide in which of the areas you are already doing well and in which ones you could improve.
Let's Talk about Vulnerability
"Vulnerability is our most accurate measure of courage." according to Dr. Brene Brown. I have been interested in vulnerability for some time and how allowing it can change our lives for the better. Why is vulnerability so important and why is it so scary to show our vulnerability to other people?
Vulnerability is a vital part of experiencing feelings of connection and a feeling of connection is one of the deepest human needs. If we keep ourselves protected by not opening up and sharing our inner experiences, we cannot get to know someone truly, deeply and intimately. Good things can only happen when we take down our walls. Sure, bad things can happen as well and there is the risk of disappointment or rejection.
But the thought that if you don't open up, you cannot get hurt is wrong. Why? You are hurting yourself by not allowing yourself to live and experience life to its full extent. Vulnerability researcher Dr. Brene Brown says that you cannot selectively numb emotions. We would like to avoid or numb out the "bad" emotions like shame, grief and fear, but we cannot do so without also numbing ourselves to emotions like joy and happiness and connection. This means we have to feel and experience the scary ones in order to fully experience the good ones.
If you want to learn more about "The Power of Vulnerability" I can highly recommend to watch Dr. Brown's TED Talk. You might want to practice showing your inner self by sharing something that makes you feel vulnerable today....
What is meditation – and what it is not!
Meditation - what is meditation and what it is not. Fit meditation to your lifestyle, make it part of your daily life and routine and not the other way around. It's easy, everyone can learn it and it will improve your mental wellbeing. Give it a try today!
Teach yourself how to trigger a relaxation response with this simple technique
Wouldn't it be great if you could control your physical symptoms whenever you feel stress or anxiety? Our bodies react with the fight and flight response to something perceived as threatening or dangerous. Quite often we have learned this response over time to stimuli which are not actually dangerous like being afraid of going on a plane, worrying unnecessarily about future events that have not happened yet or all kinds of other more or less irrational fears. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the fight and flight response are:
- a racing heart
- sweaty palms
- adrenaline rush
- digestion/bladder issues
- hyperventilation
- tingling
Today I would like to share this short audio with you so you can teach yourself controlled muscle relaxation. This exercise is called Progressive Muscle Relaxation - I recommend to do it at least once a day for two weeks and then as often as you like. You will get better at it and it is quite enjoyable for most people to take this time out of their day and focus on their mental and physical wellbeing in this way.
The controlled tensing and relaxing of the muscle will be something that will be helpful for you in times of stress or fear!
I hope you enjoy my recording.
You know that exercise is good for you – so why aren’t you doing it?
You can't motivate yourself to exercise even though you know how good it is for your mental health and overall wellbeing? Mindfulness might be the key to motivation!